Repórter São Paulo – SP – Brasil

Mulher suspeita de envenenar e matar namorado com brigadeirão misturado a morfina se entrega à polícia no RJ.

A 29-year-old woman, Julia Andrade Cathermol Pimenta, suspected of poisoning and killing businessman Luiz Marcelo Antônio Ormond, 45, surrendered to the police late Tuesday night in Rio de Janeiro. She presented herself at the 25th Police Station in Engenho Novo, in the northern zone of the capital.

An arrest warrant was issued against the woman, who was considered a fugitive. The police suspect that she mixed morphine pills into a brigadeirão to kill Ormond and steal the businessman’s assets. They were dating.

The victim’s body was found on May 20, in a state of decomposition, in the apartment where the two lived together in Engenho Novo.

The Civil Police recovered some of the businessman’s assets, such as the car, computer, and cell phones, but are investigating the whereabouts of two guns that belonged to him.

“I must be concerned throughout the week with the location of these weapons, which may or may not be in Julia’s possession,” said delegate Marcos Buss, head of the 25th Police Station (Engenho Novo), to journalists outside the police station on Monday.

One of the possibilities under investigation is that Suyany Breschak, who did spiritual work for Julia, may have received the guns. Suyany has been in preventive custody since last week on suspicion of homicide. According to the police, she had knowledge of Julia’s plans.

Suyany’s defense, represented by lawyer Etevaldo Viana Tedeschi, stated that she had no involvement in the crime and claimed not to know the whereabouts of the guns.

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