Bairro de Mutange, em Maceió, está estabilizado, mas risco de colapso de mina persiste


Situation in Mutange neighborhood in Maceió is stabilized

The Ministry of Mines and Energy reported on Sunday, the 3rd, that the situation in the Mutange neighborhood in Maceió is stable and if a mine collapses, it will be “localized and not generalized”. According to the report, “there is a stabilization of the situation, with a reduction in the rate of ground subsidence and a decrease in the probability of large-scale earth movements.”

The capital of Alagoas declared a state of emergency last week due to the imminent risk of the collapse of the Braskem petrochemical mine, which until 2019 extracted rock salt from 35 open wells in the city.

According to data collected until Saturday, the ministry, which established a situation room to manage actions in Maceió, stated that there has been a reduction in the speed of displacement from 50 centimeters to about 15 centimeters per day. The report emphasizes that “it is still a high speed compared to the previous parameter, which was around 20 centimeters per year. The situation still requires attention.”

The ministry also reported that there has been no significant change in the level of Mundaú Lagoon and that there is a “low risk” of contamination. The Civil Defense is monitoring the site in real-time with sensors. Braskem reported that 100% of the at-risk area is now evacuated.

Last worship service

The Baptist Church of Pinheiro, one of the last buildings operating in the neighborhood, was closed by the Civil Defense yesterday afternoon after a final worship service was held there. The location was considered symbolic by the residents because it hosted meetings and discussions about the relocations promoted by Braskem since 2018.

The closure, for security reasons, is temporary and complies with a federal court order that assessed the risk of a mine collapse in the Mutange neighborhood, a few hundred meters from the site.

Around a hundred people, almost all former residents of the neighborhood, attended the service. Many cried when they found out that the space would be closed. The lively place, open every day and with many children, had an almost melancholic closure.


The well-kept gardens, the trimmed grass, the up-to-date painting, and the impeccable cleanliness of the Baptist Church of Pinheiro contrast with the neighborhood which has been abandoned over the past five years.

While in the surrounding area, all that is visible is houses with concrete-closed entrances, the church kept its doors open every day. Recognized as Material and Intangible Heritage of Alagoas since 2021, the church, at the beginning of the relocation process, was used by representatives of the Public Ministry to organize the documentation of the residents in the neighborhood. Frequent meetings were also held with residents in order to discuss actions for their relocation process. After all, most of them resisted moving.

“Our church was a point of attempt to articulate the resident populations from the beginning when all this was still inhabited,” says Pastor Odja Barros. “From the beginning, we were a point of resistance.”

She said that the petrochemical company tried to negotiate the payment of compensation for the church to also leave. “But we never opened any dialogue for negotiation. We don’t want financial gain, there is no value that can compensate us. What we want is to maintain our history, our intangible heritage,” says the pastor. “We do not disregard the risks. There is an area that really doesn’t allow us to stay. If we were in another area of this territory, we would have already left.”

The Braskem company stated that it is continuously monitoring the situation of mine 18 and has constant communication with the public authorities of the city. It also said it has been in negotiations since 2021 to provide support for the relocation of the church. “The company remains open to dialogue and is committed to implementing measures resulting from the evictions in the neighborhoods, as determined by the authorities, with a focus on people’s safety.”

Although the situation seems to be stabilized, the population of the region remains concerned and dissatisfied, as they believe that the authorities should hold those responsible for the situation accountable and ensure the safety and well-being of the families who have been affected.

Thus, despite the assurances from the Ministry of Mines and Energy and Braskem, the uncertainty and the effects of the situation in the Mutange neighborhood continue to impact those involved. The reopening of the church, for example, remains unknown and represents another setback for the residents who have already had to deal with the relocation and the closure of a place that has been significant for their community.

In conclusion, the situation in Mutange is not just about a mine collapse, but about the impact on people’s lives, their history, and their sense of security. The community and its authorities must continue to work together to address these challenges and ensure the well-being of the affected population.


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